Shirley’s Mental Health Blog – July 2021

Read here for Shirley’s July Mental Health blog

Hi everyone,

Summer is here!

Hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather. Isn’t it fabulous to finally see some of the restrictions lifting and that we are increasingly returning back to some kind of ‘normal’.

I noticed this month on the mental health calendar that it’s National Schizophrenia Awareness Day on the 25 July.

Schizophrenia is a common mental illness that affects 1 in 100 people in their lifetime, yet the condition is widely misunderstood.

National Schizophrenia Awareness Day focuses on the challenges faced by hundreds of thousands of people living with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in the UK and millions more worldwide. It sets out the steps we can all take to break down the stigma and discrimination surrounding this much misunderstood illness.

If you would like to get involved in this, the charity ‘Rethink Mental Illness’ are arranging ways you can help and support this campaign. Here’s the link.

If you want to share your stories of your own particular experience of mental health and what has helped you, it would be great to hear from you, or if you would like to contribute to the blog you can reply directly or e-mail me on

In the meantime enjoy the outdoors and the sunshine and stay safe.


About Shirley:

I have been a mental health nurse for 28 years. I work in the Health and Wellbeing Team, and my main role is to facilitate mental health and related subjects. I also facilitate epilepsy and emergency rescue medication training. I provide support and consultations to managers and teams supporting individuals with complex needs and mental health difficulties. This blog is written to encourage people to start talking about mental health, in order to raise awareness and reduce stigma.