Our Values were generated following input from the people we support, families, staff and external stakeholders. At our Driving up Quality events, everyone contributed to defining exactly what these are, based on describing the character of high quality staff, and meaningful outcomes.
I believe that across the organisation, staff, and the people we support, are already contributing towards our values, and will continue to make them a reality in everyone’s lives.
Our Values are:
Here are some examples of how our Values are reflected in services across Achieve together:
Making Things Happen
Fox House: “We hold regular house meetings so we can decide together what we want to happen communally. We also hold key worker meetings so the people we support can decide what happens, and how their support is provided personally, on a day-to-day basis.”
Cerrig Cornel: “The sheer passion and determination of Jackie is amazing! When Jackie was diagnosed with arthritis she spent a number of weeks in hospital and struggled to leave her bed. She was in constant pain, her mental health took a serious decline and she lost a tremendous amount of weight.”
“However, Jackie has used all of her might and strength to build herself back up, and now attends the gym on a weekly basis. She takes pride in her appearance, with regular trips to the hairdressers and participates in activities on site. Jackie now walks around using no walking frame, enjoys doing all of her own daily living skills such as washing up, washing and drying her clothes, and helping to prepare meals. Her passion, energy and resilience to overcome any challenges, with the help of staff, we have achieved amazing things together!”
Having Fun
Thames House: “The people we support plan their own birthday parties, celebrate each other’s birthdays, and attend parties at other services. They enjoy decorating the house for festivities such as Valentine’s day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas, and often dress up in celebratory outfits. The people we support also go out weekly as a group, to bond with eachother, for example participating in outdoor activities, followed by a meal out at the local pub. People also attend discos where they have the opportunity to socialise with others, and enjoy other activities such such as cooking, games evenings and singing.”
Chetwynd Road: “The people we support like attending a local nightclub regularly. They enjoy drinks and nibbles from the bar, dance the night away on the dance floor, and socialise to meet new friends. This has been a great opportunity for the people we support to let their hair down, and have a great night out, surrounded by lovely, friendly people.”
Being Brave
Adelphi/ DC Shrewsbury: ” Michael had always been reluctant to go out to crowded places and would never consider going out without support, due to lack of confidence. He also had other challenges that staff had to help him with. However over the last two years, we have seen dramatic changes in Michael, and have seen him overcome his fears.”
“He now goes out much more in the community, and with support and encouragement, can go to to the local shop alone. He has made a friend who works there, and they have lovely communication every time he goes in. Michael made this connection himself. Michael has also been on some big trips to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham, and went on a shopping trip to Merry Hill in Dudley – all massive, brave achievements for him!”
Victoria Road: “VJ has overcome his anxiety surrounding being in crowded, noisy places, and is now able to attend parties and special events. Thanks to consistant support and encouragement from staff, and good relationships with them, he felt safe and brave enough to overcome his fears. He is now calm, happy and relaxed in social situations, and able to enjoy socialising more!”
Valuing Everyone
Raymond Crescent: “We do internal employee of the month at Raymond Crescent. The nominations I get from the team each month are always so complimentary of each other. They really do care and support each other.”
Fox House: “Everyone including staff, visitors, families and professionals are given the chance to give feedback, present ideas and offer compliments or complaints.”
DC Shrewsbury: “We have been creating a Wheel of Engagement board, which displays photos of the people we support’s successes and achievements. The display is getting bigger by the week, and is frequently being added to! The board shows a range of exciting successes, including:
- Conrad’s various day trips, the completion of daily tasks, and moving to his new property
- Joe, Tommy and Neil enjoying themselves during their work experience placements
- Richard’s gardening and planting of vegetables
- Andrew’s quest to pass his driving theory exam
- Michael attending The People’s Awards
- Richard, Neil, Martin and Conrad going on a variety of coach trips
- Tyler and Jamie visiting the theatre
- Thomas washing up in the kitchen as part of his paid employment
- Richard’s holiday to Twynn
(Please note: Everyone in these examples has given written consent for them to be published)
I hope you continue to join us in celebrating and contributing to our purpose and values. At Achieve together, we are all passionate about making a continued difference to everyones lives!