‘Healthy, Safe and Fulfilled Lives’ conference

Campaign 4 Change and team members take part in this event organised by Kent, Surrey & Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice at Kingston University

Director of Wellbeing, Strategy & Collaboration, Michael Fullerton, was involved in planning and delivering the Healthy, Safe and Fulfilled Lives Conference. The inclusive event was organised by Kent, Surrey and Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice. Representatives from self-advocacy group Campaign 4 Change were on hand to help with registration and present to delegates.

Michael played a dual role, also representing the charity PMLD Link. He chaired part of the conference and worked with Alex Starley and Rachel Harman from Campaign 4 Change to highlight ‘Removing the cloak of invisibility’. Their presentation is based on a video ‘Mystical People‘ created by Campaign 4 Change. It shows how people with learning disabilities should be better seen and enabled to participate more in community activities. The presentation also called for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities to be included in policy and key decision making.


The aim of the conference was to share collaborative initiatives for enabling people with learning disabilities. It offered opportunities for delegates to participate in reflective groups to further develop initiatives. Talks included: social prescribing, cancer screening, how experts with experience enable peers and raise awareness, improving diet and wellbeing, and death and dying. A highlight of the day was an amazing interactive performance by the Include Choir.