To me, the approach taken at this home felt very tailor-made to each person. Although the people we support there are high in need, they don’t let this stop the amount of activities they do.
Two of the people we support loving their go in a sea plane!
The team really help the people we support to grow their skill level. I was impressed to be offered a cup of tea by one individual and others were preparing meals, switching the lights on and off and using kitchen appliances with help. They all show real independence.
Loving their cruise, which they took with the help of team members
I met one gentleman who has been living at the home for 9 years. This year, thanks to the constant encouragement of staff, he is doing household chores for the first time. Originally, he was nervous about being in communal areas and interacting with other people living in the home. It was lovely to see him so happy and comfortable around the support team and the people we support, and I could really see how much he enjoyed completing activities.
Everyone at this home loves holidays and I was so impressed to see how the team custom build individual holidays for each person. One person loved hot tubs, so team members managed to make a complete holiday out of his love for hot tubs! Other people at the home love Disney so they often take frequent trips to both Disneyland Paris and Florida. Although life isn’t only about taking holidays, I really liked how special and personal they made each holiday, with emphasis on making it all about the individual going on that holiday. The sense of community was also lovely to see at the home. One individual is turning 50 this month and so team members and the people we support have organised a surprise trip to Paris for him. They also often take outings to London to see different plays and shows- musicals are a firm favourite!
Please note: all photos have been given with permission to publish